

710 Uppsatser om Oral squamous cell carcinoma - Sida 1 av 48

Fotodynamisk terapi vid behandling av skivepitelskarcinom hos katt :

Photodynamic therapy is a relatively new treatment for superficial squamous cell carcinoma in cats. There are no publications indicating that the method is being used in veterinary practice in Sweden at the present time. The method uses the interaction between a photosensitive agent which has been administered to the tumor area, light of a wavelength that can be absorbed by the photosensitiser and the presence of oxygen. In this study photodynamic treatments were performed at the Queen?s Veterinary School Hopital of Cambridge University between 1998 and 2002.

Visualisering av basalcellscancer med Tissue Viability Imaging - ett icke-invasivt diagnostiskt alternativ

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common non-melanoma skin cancer. It can be divided in different subtypes. The most common type is superficial and is most frequently occurring on the trunk and on the face. In severe cases it can be difficult to differentiate basal cell carcinoma from other skin tumors, therefore a skin biopsy is conclusive diagnostic method. In terms of treatment, curettage is a common non-surgical treatment of basal cell carcinoma.

The significance of oxytocin in canine mammary tumours

Oxytocin is a hormone which plays a crucial role in many reproductive and behavioural functions. It affects many organs and the classical peripheral targets are the mammary glands during lactation and uterus during labour. Oxytocin receptors have recently been described in a variety of normal tissues and primary cell cultures, but also in neoplastic tissues and established neoplastic cell lines, as breast cancer cell lines. The signalling pathways and biological effects of the oxytocin/oxytocin receptor system seem to depend on species, type of tissue, physiological versus neoplastic state and receptor location within the cell membrane.The aim of this project was to find out if the cell proliferation in the canine mammary carcinoma cell line CMT-U27 was affected upon stimulation of oxytocin, and to investigate the presence of oxytocin receptors in these cells. The cell proliferation was examined by using an ELISA-kit, where the absorbance measured is relative to the amount of living cells.

Kan ?-catenin användas som en prognostisk markör för utvecklingen av oral skivepitelcancer?

Cirka 300 000 individer drabbas årligen i världen av oral cancer och mer än nittio procent av alla orala cancerformer utgörs av skivepitelcancer. Den femåriga prognosen är generellt 50 % och den 5-åriga relativa överlevnaden har under en tioårsperiod förblivit densamma. Detta motiverar utvecklingen av bättre prognostiska markörer och diagnostiska metoder för att tidigt identifiera de patienter som har risk att utveckla oral skivepitelcancer för att förbättra prognosen och minska lidandet genom tidig insatt behandling. ?-catenin är en adhesionsmolekyl som är viktig för bibehållandet av cellulär integration och avvikelser i celladhesionsmolekyler tros spela en central roll när tumörceller invaderar närliggande vävnad det vill säga metastaserar till andra organ. Syftet med studien är att med hjälp av immunohistokemi undersöka om ?-catenin kan fungera som en prognostisk markör för utvecklingen av oral skivepitelcancer.

Patienters smärtupplevelser i samband med stamcellstransplantation

AbstractBackground: Pain is usually common patients who undergo high-dose treatment in combination with HSCT. Pain is usually associated with side effects as for example mucositis. The purpose of this study was to examine patients? experiences of pain in relation to stemcellstransplantation. The purpose was also to examine how patients experience that they have been treated by the personnel regarding their pain, and also if the pain relief correspond to the patients expectations.Method: The study is a descriptive, longitudinal study.

4-1BB is up-regulated in human mast cells, when exposed to tumor conditioned medium

Mast cells have for a long time been known to accumulate around tumors (Maltby et al., 2009). Studies show that they may be important and sometimes essential in tumor angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis of tumors (Soucek, et al., 2007; Xiang et al., 2010). In an expression array study (Wensman et al, submitted manuscript) performed on mouse mast cells exposed to tumor conditioned medium, the gene 4-1BB was among the most up-regulated genes compared to control medium. 4-1BB codes for a membrane receptor protein of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily and has been shown to be important in T cell regulation in tumor diseases. This study was performed to investigate if human mast cells up-regulate 4-1BB when they get exposed to tumor conditioned medium.

The role of cell cycle control mechanisms in regulated and sustained cell proliferation

The cell cycle is the time a cell spends between two cell divisions. The cell cycle includes several parallel processes, all of which must be completed before a cell is mature for dividing. In the first place, all subcomponents (RNA, protein and membrane lipids) need to double in quantity and this occurs continuously through the cell cycle. Furthermore, the genome and some chromosomal proteins must double and this take place during a limited interval in the middle of the cell cycle (S-phase). On either side of the S-phase are two "gaps" which is called G1 and G2. When the cell has passed a point in the G-phase they are irreversibly programmed to progress through the remaining of the cell cycle and will undergo the next cell division. When a cell have passed a point in the G1 phase, approximately four hours after mitosis, a normal cell is in a state of indecision.

Oralt skivepitelkarcinom på katt : uppkomst och förekomst

Oralt skivepitelkarcinom är den överlägset vanligast förekommande tumören i munhålan på katt och 10 % av alla tumörer som drabbar djurslaget består av denna cancerform. Lokala infiltrationer är vanliga medan metastasrisken till andra delar av kroppen är relativt låg. En katt som diagnostiserats med sjukdomen har endast 9,5 % chans att överleva en ettårsperiod och även efter behandling är överlevnadschanserna relativt små. Behandling med mandibulaektomi verkar vara den mest effektiva men medför ofta kroniska postoperativa komplikationer som ätsvårigheter, framskjutande tunga, snedvriden underkäke, ökad salivering, svårigheter då katten ska tvätta och slicka sig samt felaktigt bett med skador på gommen som följd. Tumören utvecklas oftast i den mandibulära gingivan eller i de sublinguala delarna av munhålan och mukösa ulcerationer, nekroser och variga inflammationer tillhör de patologiska fynden. Det är osäkert hur oralt skivepitelkarcinom på katt uppstår men forskningen pekar på att det rör sig om cancerstamceller som driver utvecklingen.

Sambandet mellan oral hälsa, oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet och socioekonomi

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka sambandet mellan socioekonomiska faktorer, oral hälsa och oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet. Material och metod: Det gjordes en systematisk litteratursökning som gav totalt 454 träffar varav 24 artiklar var relevanta. Artiklarna granskades efter relevans och kvalitet och inkluderades därefter i studien. Resultat: Socioekonomiska faktorerna inkomst, utbildning, yrke, social status, kön och etnicitet var associerade med oral hälsa, dock var inkomst och utbildning det som var mest korrelerat med oral hälsa. Sämre oral status kunde verifieras med klinisk undersökning som oftast undersökte antal tänder, karies och parodontit, vilket antogs kunna påverka oral hälsorelaterad livskvalitet.


Today?s cell phones include more and more functionality, it is no longer uncommon to be able to connect to the Internet or take photos with the cell phone. In this thesis the question is if the cell phone users are interested in this new functionality. Are there people who are interested in a cell phone that in this thesis is called ?Basmobilen? (the entry level phone), which include the following functions; phone call, SMS, phone book, calling lists, clock and the possibility to change the call signal.

Mastcellens funktion vid försvar mot infektioner

The complexity of the mast cell is becoming more prominent. From being the cell recognized just to contribute to allergic inflammation it is now also associated with wound healing, protection against tumor growth and in recognition and defense against a wide range of pathogens. The location of the mast cell in the barrier between the external and internal environment of the body enables the cell to quickly respond to invading bacteria, virus and parasites. Diarrhea due to Escherichia coli infection, listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, Newcastle disease and bovine respiratory syncytial virus are examples of mast cell activating diseases that can affect animals in, as well as outside, the agricultural sector. Additionally, ticks and tick-borne diseases are of concern.

3D modelling of a Laser Welding Cell for movie presentation : making of the movie

This report describes a Bachelor thesis work in which a robotised laser welding cell has been modelled and simulated for the purpose of making a presentation movie. The report shows that the work has been concentrated on making the movie from the modelling phase through the recording of the movie and ending up with the editing of the final presentation movie. A pre-study was made prior the Bachelor thesis work. In the pre-study a literature study was conducted about measurement and calibration of a welding cell. Measurement of almost all equipment in the entire cell was also conducted in the pre-study.

An image-based method for identification of new inhibitors of Signal Transducer Activator of Transcription 1

Background: Chemotherapy and radiation resistance are major causes of failure in cancer treatment. The response to treatment in cancer cells depends on several mechanisms and pathways such as Janus kinases-signal transducers and activators of transcription JAK/STAT pathway. STAT1 was the first described transcription factor in the STAT family. STAT1 is activated by stimulation of signaling proteins such as type II interferon (IFN- ?) and the activated STAT1 translocates from cytoplasm to nucleus.

Testning för sexuellt överförbara infektioner efter oskyddat oralsex : Personalens attityd och kunskap

Aim The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of midwives and gynaecologists at youth health clinics about their own thoughts of risks with unprotected oral sex and testing of orally contagious sexually transmitted infections (STI). The aim was also to investigate the level of knowledge of oral STIs. One further aim was to examine what they thought about the level of knowledge about oral STIs among adolescents and how common unprotected oral sex is within this group and if oral STIs/oral sex is brought up in the form of information or questions during STI-testing.Method Seventy-five youth health clinics all over Sweden were randomly chosen. A questionnaire was sent by mail to the clinics. It included questions about attitudes, knowledge about STIs and information exchange.


Today?s cell phones include more and more functionality, it is no longer uncommon to be able to connect to the Internet or take photos with the cell phone. In this thesis the question is if the cell phone users are interested in this new functionality. Are there people who are interested in a cell phone that in this thesis is called ?Basmobilen? (the entry level phone), which include the following functions; phone call, SMS, phone book, calling lists, clock and the possibility to change the call signal.

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